Role of Corticosteroids along with Other Therapies for Treatment of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: A Narrative Review Corticosteroids in IGM

Abbas Mirzapour (1), Aida Allahyari (2), Sepehr Metanat (3), Sanaz Zand (4), Narjes Mohammadzadeh (5), Mohammadreza Tabary (6), Mojgan Karbakhsh (7), Ahmad Kaviani (8)
(1) Students' Scientific Research Center (SSRC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Iran, Islamic Republic of,
(2) School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Iran, Islamic Republic of,
(3) School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
(4) School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Iran, Islamic Republic of,
(5) General Surgery, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
(6) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA., United States,
(7) Department of Preventive Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Iran, Islamic Republic of,
(8) Department of Surgical Oncology, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; Department of Surgery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Canada


Background: The use of oral corticosteroids to treat idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) has been a point of controversy for a long time. In addition, a wide diversity of combinations with other therapies have been reported so far. This study aims to review the usage of oral corticosteroids and their combinations in the published literature.

Methods: PubMed and Scopus were searched using the key word “granulomatous mastitis.” Citations were filtered in two stages, considering the titles/abstracts and full texts. Papers reporting the treatment of IGM with corticosteroids with/without other treatments were included.

Results: Fifty-eight citations were included in this study, 31 of which had at least a group of patients treated only with systemic corticosteroids. Combination therapy of systemic steroids with immunosuppressants, surgical interventions, and antibiotics were used in 6, 12, and 13 studies, respectively.

Conclusion: Considering the inconsistency of studies in reporting the severity of the disease, administered treatments, outcome of treatment, side effects, and follow-up, our study failed to provide solid evidence for using corticosteroids as the first step in the management of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. There is still a need for further studies emphasizing the homogenization of such reports. In this regard, preparing a questionnaire to help homogenize future reports on IGM is highly recommended.

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Abbas Mirzapour
Aida Allahyari
Sepehr Metanat
Sanaz Zand
Narjes Mohammadzadeh (Primary Contact)
Mohammadreza Tabary
Mojgan Karbakhsh
Ahmad Kaviani
Mirzapour A, Allahyari A, Metanat S, Zand S, Mohammadzadeh N, Tabary M, Karbakhsh M, Kaviani A. Role of Corticosteroids along with Other Therapies for Treatment of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: A Narrative Review: Corticosteroids in IGM. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];9(3-SI):279-86. Available from:

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