About the Journal
About Journal
Archives of Breast Cancer (ABC) is a double-blind peer-reviewed published quarterly. It is Open Access and free of charge for authors, which aims to publish first-class research papers on breast cancer. The scope of the journal is broad, encompassing topics related to pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, epidemiology, psychological issues, rehabilitation, and quality of life. In addition, manuscripts will be considered for publication on benign breast diseases and breast health, including breastfeeding.
Arch Breast Cancer was first published in 2014 aimed at publishing original research emphasizing open access, with authors bearing no charges and the articles accessible to all upon publication. The journal is published by Farname Inc and financially supported by the Breast Disease Institute, which is directed by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
We recommend all scholars willing to get their work published with Arch Breast Cancer to carefully read our policies before deciding to submit their manuscript.
The journal of Arch Breast Cancer is Published by Farname Inc. and the Breast Disease Institute, which is directed by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
Article Process Charges
Arch Breast Cancer is completely free of charge for readers and authors. Thus, authors and readers are not charged for publication and accessing the articles.
This includes costs of peer-review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management.
Peer Review Policy
Our review process is very transparent. All manuscripts submitted to this journal undergo a double-blind review process in which authors and reviewers do not know each other's identity, and the author(s) receives constant notifications about the status of their manuscript.
Peer-review Process
- Step – 1: As soon as a manuscript is received from the author, it is screened to check its format as it should satisfy some basic criteria such as language, file format, citation format, etc. If it meets these criteria, it is emailed to the Editorial team. If it does not, it is sent back to the author(s) for revision and resubmission.
- Step – 2: The manuscript undergoes a review process by the Subject Matter Expert (Associate editor) and the Editorial review members. Here the evaluation criteria include novelty, subject, and scientific language. If the manuscript fulfills these requirements, it is sent to two reviewers. If it does not meet the criteria, it is rejected.
- Step – 3: As per the Editorial's opinion, the manuscript is sent to two reviewers.
- Step – 4: The Reviewers review the manuscript with the following recommendations:
- Needs Minor Revision
- Needs Major Revision
- Rejected
- Step – 4-1: The authors revise and resend the manuscript.
- Step – 4-2: The same reviewers review the revision and send their comments to the editor-in-chief.
- Step – 5: According to the reviewers' recommendations, the editor in chief makes a decision on whether a manuscript is:
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Authors are notified if the manuscript is accepted. Author/Corresponding Author is informed about the date of publication. The whole process takes a maximum of 1-3 months.
- The journal reserves the right to edit the articles' language. The authors need to cooperate in the process of editing and page numbering, confirming the data and the final version of the manuscript.
Copyright Policy
To improve the free dissemination of knowledge, authors need to grant broad permission to the general public to redistribute and reuse their articles freely. Therefore, for any text, figures, or other work in any medium, the authors possess the copyright to the manuscript. By submitting it, they agree to license it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This means EVERYONE is free to:
- Share — copy and redistribute the article in any medium or format
-  Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material only non-commercially.
Authors are held accountable for the content of the manuscripts and articles.
Reuse Policy
The content which is published in this journal can be used only for non-commercial purposes, only if the new creations are credited under the terms indicated by "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License" in the license title.
Arch Breast Cancer gives authors permission to self-archive and reuse their published material if they stick to the journal's Copyright Policies on this Website, regarding a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Full Journal Title | Archives of Breast Cancer |
Publisher | Farname Inc. |
Organization | Breast Disease institute |
Scientific Research Approval | Will be announced |
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Abbreviation Title | ISO: Arch. Breast. Cancer. | ABC: Arch Breast Cancer |
Category | Cancer Research / Medicine / Oncology / Breast Cancer |
ISSN | 2383-0433 |
Language | English |
Journal Country/Territory | Canada |
Frequency | Quarterly |
Online Submission | Via the journal website |
Distribution | 30% in European countries, 55% in USA & Canada, and 15% in the Middle East and Middle Asia​ |
Price | Free for the authors and readers |
Indexing: | info![]() |