Improving Quality of Life for Patients with Breast Cancer by Twin Hearts Meditation: A Randomized Clinical Trial Improving QOL in BC patients
Background: Concerning the prevalence and complications of breast cancer and its impact on the quality of life. This paper aims to study the effect of twin hearts meditation (as per Sui) on the quality of life among the patients with breast cancer under chemotherapy.
Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 102 breast cancer patients in two groups. The patients answered a demographic information survey and WHO quality of life short form before intervention. The patients in the experimental group received training on twin hearts meditation by the researcher for 30 minutes in the intervention stage, and the patients did meditation 3 times a week for one and half months. The quality of life of the patients was measured before and after the intervention in the experimental and control groups. The data were analysed using SPSS v.20, descriptive statistics, paired t and independent t tests at a P<0.05 significant level.
Results: The results showed that before intervention, there was no significant difference between the mean of quality of life in the experimental (81.3 ± 7.1) and (77.9 ± 16.2) control groups (P=0.344), but after intervention there was a significant difference between the mean of quality of life in the experimental (88.9 ± 11.2) and (75.2 ± 14.9) control groups (P 0.001).
Conclusion: Twin hearts meditation can improve the quality of life among the patients with breast cancer under chemotherapy. In this regard, it is suggested that twin hearts meditation be considered as a mind-body complementary medicine.
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