The PRoBe-SH: A Close-Coded Patient-Reported Survey Tool to Assess Breast Surgery History PRoBe-SH: patient-reported survey tool

Janelle Sobecki (1), Emily Abramsohn (2), Alexes Hazen (3), Jennifer Makelarski (4), Chenab Navalkha (5), Kristen Wroblewski (6), Stacy Lindau (7)
(1) Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, United States,
(2) The University of Chicago, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chicago, Illinois, USA, United States,
(3) NYU Langone Health, New York, New York, USA, United States,
(4) The University of Chicago, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chicago, Illinois, USA, United States,
(5) The University of Chicago, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chicago, Illinois, USA, United States,
(6) The University of Chicago, Department of Public Health Sciences, Chicago, Illinois, USA, United States,
(7) The University of Chicago, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medicine-Geriatrics and the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA, United States


Background: Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer often involves several surgical procedures. Women with breast cancer are asked repeatedly to report their breast surgery history, often elicited in an open-ended format and relying on patient recall. Electronic medical records (EMR) and other medical documentation are not always readily available. No comprehensive, validated patient-reported measure of breast surgery history exists. We developed a close-coded, digital survey tool to elicit patient-reported breast surgery history (PRoBe-SH).

Methods: We administered the PRoBe-SH survey tool to a convenience sample of patients with a history of breast cancer. We compared PRoBe-SH data to both surgical history documented in patients’ EMR and open-ended surgical history ascertained from patient-completed clinic intake forms. Sensitivity/specificity analyses and McNemar’s tests were performed.

Results: Data from fifty patients (median age 53.5 years, range 31-71, 70% non-Hispanic white) were analyzed. The sensitivity of the PRoBe-SH for accurately identifying surgical history was 100% for mastectomy, lumpectomy 96%, mastectomy sidedness 100% (right) and 100% (left), lumpectomy sidedness 36% (right) 55% (left), lymphadenectomy 64%, breast reconstruction 89%, and presence of a native nipple 100% (right) and 100% (left). Open-ended surgical history was more than 90% sensitive for identifying mastectomy and lumpectomy only. The PRoBe-SH was significantly more sensitive than open-ended surgical history for identifying mastectomy sidedness (P<0.01), lymphadenectomy (P<0.01), and breast reconstruction (P<0.01).

Conclusion: Ascertaining accurate breast surgical history is important in the context of clinical care and for research purposes. The PRoBe-SH is a comprehensive, highly sensitive alternative to obtaining an open-ended breast surgical history when EMR data or other medical documentation are not available.

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Janelle Sobecki (Primary Contact)
Emily Abramsohn
Alexes Hazen
Jennifer Makelarski
Chenab Navalkha
Kristen Wroblewski
Stacy Lindau
Sobecki J, Abramsohn E, Hazen A, Makelarski J, Navalkha C, Wroblewski K, Lindau S. The PRoBe-SH: A Close-Coded Patient-Reported Survey Tool to Assess Breast Surgery History : PRoBe-SH: patient-reported survey tool. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];9(4):505-11. Available from:

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