A Qualitative Study on Promoting Maternal Occupations and Health: Lived Experiences of Breast Cancer Survivors Within the Workforce Promoting maternal occupation and health

Frances Drew Bosque (1), Brinkley Angeli Deticio (2), Regina Clare Urbina (3), Paolo Miguel Bulan (4)
(1) Department of Occupational Therapy, Velez College, Cebu City, Philippines, Philippines,
(2) Department of Occupational Therapy, Velez College, Cebu City, Philippines, Philippines,
(3) Department of Occupational Therapy, Velez College, Cebu City, Philippines, Philippines,
(4) Department of Occupational Therapy, Velez College, Cebu City, Philippines, Philippines


Background: This study aims to understand the factors that support occupational engagement of working mothers who are breast cancer survivors based on their experiences. These factors are vital for occupational therapists and other health professionals in the promotion of their health and well-being. 

Methods: Using phenomenology, through in-depth interviews, this study explored experiences of mothers who survived breast cancer and have returned to work. Ten participants from ICanServe Foundation in Cebu, Philippines participated in one-on-one interviews.

Results: Thematic analysis identified three themes: (1) Baggage and uncertainties of life with cancer, (2) Lessons on grit, and (3) Beating the odds through occupational adaptation. Findings suggest that mothers face obstacles both in the home and in the workplace.

Conclusion: Obstacles identified include mother-child role reversals, physical and cognitive changes, stigma and discrimination in the workplace, and fear of death and uncertainty, which indicate the need for support. Findings based on their experiences can help inform collaborative efforts from occupational therapists and professionals across disciplines to support breast cancer survivors such as maternal support groups, informing employment or workplace policies, and community opportunities.

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Frances Drew Bosque
Brinkley Angeli Deticio
Regina Clare Urbina
Paolo Miguel Bulan
paolobulan@me.com (Primary Contact)
Bosque FD, Deticio BA, Urbina RC, Bulan PM. A Qualitative Study on Promoting Maternal Occupations and Health: Lived Experiences of Breast Cancer Survivors Within the Workforce: Promoting maternal occupation and health. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];9(3):386-93. Available from: https://archbreastcancer.com/index.php/abc/article/view/540

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