Research on the Attitudes of Breast Specialist Medical Staff Towards the Implementation of Breast Cancer Decision-Making Aids Attitudes of Breast Specialist Medical Staff

Jinping gao (1), Zhong-qin Huang (2), Xue-ya Chen (3), Dong-zhi Li (4), Wang-feng Wu (5), Rong-rong Liu (6)
(1) Xiamen Fifth Hospital, Xiangan District, Xiamen 361101, Fujian Province, China, China,
(2) Department of Nursing Department, Xiamen Fifth Hospital, Xiangan District, Xiamen 361101, China, China,
(3) Xiamen Fifth Hospital, Xiangan District, Xiamen 361101, Fujian Province, China. , China,
(4) Bethune International Peace Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Shijiazhuang, China, China,
(5) Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jianghan District, Wuhan 430022, China. , China,
(6) Guang 'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, No.5, Beixian Pavilion, Xicheng District, Beijing100000, China, China


Background: The participation of patients in treatment and nursing decision-making has been advocated by many medical staff. This is not only to attach importance to the wishes of patients, but also to the needs of social development. The purpose of this research was to investigate the attitudes of Chinese breast cancer medical staff towards the implementation of breast cancer decision-making aids.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 420 doctors and nurses in the Department of Breast Surgery. We used a questionnaire designed by investigators. Data was collected from February 2021 to September 2021. IBM SPSS Version 22 was used to analyze the collected data.
Results: Overall, 420 valid questionnaires were returned from 220 doctors and 200 nurses. Response rate was 85.19%. The results showed that 77.14% of the medical staff supported the promotion of breast cancer decision-making aids, and 85.71%(360/420)agreed that patients should be the main participants in high-quality clinical decision-making. Also, 95.24%(400/420)believed that patients should know the reasons for making treatment decisions, and agreed that the positive effects of patient decision-making aids were positively correlated with high education (r education=0.317, P=0.001). There were statistically significant differences in the attitudes of medical staff with different working years (X2=9.432, P=0.024), educational background (X2=42.918, P<0.001) and shared decision education (X2=11.932, P=0.008) on whether to promote decision-making aids.
Conclusion: At this stage, breast medical staff have a positive attitude towards using breast cancer decision aids for joint decision-making.

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Jinping gao (Primary Contact)
Zhong-qin Huang
Xue-ya Chen
Dong-zhi Li
Wang-feng Wu
Rong-rong Liu
gao J, Huang Z- qin, Chen X- ya, Li D- zhi, Wu W- feng, Liu R- rong. Research on the Attitudes of Breast Specialist Medical Staff Towards the Implementation of Breast Cancer Decision-Making Aids: Attitudes of Breast Specialist Medical Staff. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):186-94. Available from:

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