Average Absorbed Breast Dose (2ABD) to Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) Conversion Function for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: A New Approach

‪Raffaele M Tucciariello (1), Rocco Lamastra (2), Patrizio Barca (3), Marine Evelina Fantacci (4), Antonio C Traino (5)
(1) Medical Physics Unit, St.Chiara University Hospital, Pisa, Italy, Italy,
(2) Medical Physics Unit, St.Chiara University Hospital, Pisa, Italy, Italy,
(3) Department of Medical Physics, St. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital, Bologna, Italy, Italy,
(4) Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Roma, Italy, Italy,
(5) National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Pisa Section, Pisa, Italy, Italy


Background: In this work a new method for the Mean Glandular Dose evaluation in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is presented.
Methods: Starting from the experimental-based dosimetric index, 2ABD, which represents the average absorbed breast dose, the mean glandular dose MGD2ABD was calculated using a conversion function of glandularity f(G), obtained through the use of Monte Carlo simulations.
Results: f(G) was computed for a 4.5 cm thick breast: from its value MGD2ABD for different compressed breast thicknesses and glandularities was obtained. The comparison between MGD2ABD estimates and the dosimetric index provided in the current dosimetry protocols, following the Dance's approach, MGDDance, showed a good agreement (<10%) for all the analyzed breast thicknesses and glandularities.
Conclusion: The strength of the proposed method can be considered an accurate mean glandular dose assessment starting from few and accessible parameters, reported in the header DICOM of each DBT exam.

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‪Raffaele M Tucciariello
Rocco Lamastra
Patrizio Barca
Marine Evelina Fantacci
Antonio C Traino
c.traino@ao-pisa.toscana.it (Primary Contact)
Tucciariello ‪Raffaele M, Lamastra R, Barca P, Fantacci ME, Traino AC. Average Absorbed Breast Dose (2ABD) to Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) Conversion Function for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: A New Approach. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 24 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];:183-91. Available from: https://archbreastcancer.com/index.php/abc/article/view/378

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