Metaplastic Breast Cancer with Chondroid Differentiation

Garima Daga (1), Rajeev Kumar (2)
(1) Department of Surgical Oncology, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, New Delhi, India, India,
(2) Department of Surgical Oncology, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, New Delhi, India, India


Background: Metaplastic breast cancer (MBC) cancer is a rare subtype of breast carcinoma and carries a worse prognosis. Chondroid differentiation is the rarest among all its histologic subtypes. We report a case of MBC with chondroid differentiation and review its clinicopathological details, genetic basis, and management.
Case presentation: A 56-year female presented with right-sided large breast lump. She noticed this lump 4 months before presenting. Trucut biopsy was suggestive of invasive ductal carcinoma. She underwent breast conservation surgery and histology was consistent with MBC with chondroid differentiation, pT2N3aM0. Tumour was triple-negative for ER, PR, and Her-2- neu receptors. Adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy was given and she has been doing fine during 11 months of follow-up.
Conclusion: The MBC is an uncommon subtype with heterogeneity in biological and morphological features and its knowledge is paramount while evaluating a breast lump. Understanding the pathologic and molecular basis is imperative in developing the targeted therapy to improve outcomes.

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Garima Daga (Primary Contact)
Rajeev Kumar
Daga G, Kumar R. Metaplastic Breast Cancer with Chondroid Differentiation. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];:251-4. Available from:

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